FTLOB Past Projects:
Puawai o te Kakano
The blossoming seed
Photography by Aaron Mclean
This special project is centred around a Rongoā Garden at Griffth's Gardens.
Ko te tohu o te "Te Puawai o te Kakano" e tohu ana i te tirohanga a Te Awhina Mai Tatou me te Aroha o te Pi. Ko tenei mahere he hononga ora me Mana Whenua o Taamaki Makaurau Iwi-Ngāti Whātua ki Orakei. Ko nga tikanga kaitiakitanga Maori o Rongoā kei te whakatu ano i te pokapū o te taone nui.
The metaphor of a “Blossoming Seed” represents the shared vision of Te Awhina Mai Tatou Katoa and For the Love of Bees to establish a place in the city for the sharing of Rongoā knowledge. This garden is a living partnership with Mana Whenua o Tamāki Makaurau Iwi—Ngāti Whātua ki Orakei. Here the Māori kaitiakitanga practices of Rongoā were once again established in the city centre.
The Rongoā Garden was facilitated by Awatea Hawke (Ngāti Whātua) and Rob Smith (Āwhina Mai Tatou Katoa.) This community have crafted the accompanying pou. The Garden created a context and environment to bring traditional Māori culture, growing techniques and healing knowledge into the inner city to help their community.
The Rongoā Garden is being facilitated by Ngāti Whātua - Awatea Hawke and Awhina Mai Tatou Katoa - Rob Smith. This community have crafted the accompanying pou. The Garden will create a context and environment to bring traditional Māori culture, growing techniques and healing knowledge into the inner city to help their community.
The Rongoā Poster Series
These posters of Tom Ropata, Rob Smith, Tiare Turetahi, Adrian Mokonuiarangi, Richard Turipa, Cameron (all of whom helped to make the pou at Griffith's) and the Kawakawa plant are the first in a series that will explore Rongoā practise.
A huge thank you to Aaron Mclean for the Photography, Phil Kelly for the design work and Kirsty Cameron for being the curator.
The Rongoā poster series will be seen around the country thanks to Phantom Billstickers.