Going Green to Beat Climate Change - Viva and Sarah Smuts-Kennedy
The tale of two city farms - Alice Neville - The Spinoff
For The Love of Bees & Cultivate Christchurch - Urban farming ideas to make our cities climate ready - B-Sides podcast
The Species Saviour - Sarah Smuts-Kennedy, For The Love of Bees - Denizen - Heroes - Winter 2019
Sarah Smuts-Kennedy: For the Love of Bees. Can Auckland NZ become the safest city on Earth for bees? - Tim Lynch - GreenPlanetFM
Biking Bee gives 'bee’s eye view' of Auckland - Alice Burton - Te Waha Nui AUT Student Journalism
Saving Our Endangered Species - Earth Day 2019 - Juno Kiwi Saver Scheme
Rāhina Hauora; Connecting the Maramataka and Whenua, part 2 - Oscar Perress
Food scraps composting project pioneered in Waitematā - Our Auckland Tō Tātou Tāmaki Makaurau -
Rāhina Hauora; Connecting the Maramataka and Whenua, Part One - Oscar Perress -95BFM
Urban City Gardens Are Feeding Bees - Sieska Verdonk - ReNews
Sarah Smuts-Kennedy talks with Shawn Gardner of Community Roots about Urban Regenerative Communities
Sarah Smuts-Kennedy: Dreaming Big - Harvests vol. 71-1 Biodynamics New Zealand pg 6-10
Why we need to make composting cool - Georgia Merton - The Spinoff
Tell me about your thesis: NZ's native bees - RNZ
New Zealand’s native bees: Understanding the importance of our private pollinators - AgriView NZ
For the Love of Bees on the AM Show
A Celebration Of Dead Wood, Anna Dadson, Stone Soup, March 2018
Not Just A Load Of Crap, Sarah Smuts-Kennedy, Stone Soup, March 2018
Inner-city Auckland garden offers refuge for bees, homeless